
*Leonardo Da Vinci was left handed and his personal notes were written in mirror writing starting from the right side of the page to the left!

*Leonardo Da Vinci invented high heels!

*Leonardo da Vinci spent 12 years painting the Mona Lisa’s lips!

*That in 1495 Leonardo da Vinci designed a pyramid-shaped parachute, and began painting The Last Supper!

*Pablo Picasso was baptized Pablo Diego José Fransisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso. The name contains 23 words and honors various saints and relatives!

*Pablo Picasso was considered a suspect in the theft of Mona Lisa in 1911! *Picasso could draw before he could walk, and his first word was the Spanish word for pencil!

*Vincent Van Gogh produced more than 2000 works: approximately 900 paintings and 1100 drawings and sketches but only sold one painting during his life time!

*Vincent Van Gogh committed suicide while painting Wheat Field with Crows!

*The Renaissance masterpiece “The Pieta” is the only work that Michelangelo Buonarroti ever signed!

*Left-handed painter, Michelangelo, painted his famous David and Goliath with David holding his sling in his left hand!

*Roman statues were made with detachable heads, so that one head could be removed and replaced by another!

*Paul Gaugin, the French painter, was a labourer on the Panama Canal. About 25,000 workers died during its construction!

*On 3rd Dec 1961 Grandma Moses, the renowned American primitive painter, died at the age of 101!

*English artist Andy Brown, created a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II of Britain by stitching together 1,000 used tea bags!

*In 1658 the first illustrated book for children was published in Germany!

*Pollock was a chain smoker and would frequently paint with a cigarette hanging from his lips. This led to the intriguing incorporation of cigarette ashes into the surface of some of his greatest works!

*The world famous Louvre Museum and Art Gallery in Paris, France was built in 1190 and was used as a fortress!

*Rodin died of frostbite in 1917 when the French government refused him financial aid for a flat, yet they kept his statues warmly housed in museums!

*The first pencil was invented in England in 1565!

*Impressionism was given its name from one of Monet’s pictures, Impression: Sunrise!

*People have been painting things for the past 20,000 years, but it wasn’t until 1880 that you could purchase ready mixed paints!

*Genghis Khan forever impacted Eastern porcelain by introducing the Chinese to cobalt blue, which he carried from Iran!

*In all of Dali’s paintings you can find a self-portrait. That is, if you look hard you will see at-least a silhouette of Dali himself!

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